Below is a list of calculators, converters and conversion chart programs available for determining both the volume and area of various objects. These programs are located in many places on our site but by request, we have grouped them into this menu. All of these are directly related to interests in math volume and area calculations; often they are of interest in our day to day lives. We have written these or provided these for actual use and convenience, rather than for strictly educational purposes, though homework is a frequent and valid use. Each program applet in this particular group has a highly functional purpose. Each menu item has a descriptive pop-up that will appear, giving detailed information of that selection, as the mouse is rolled over the menu item. We are always receptive to comments or suggestions you may have. We also have a list of Pure Educational Math Converters And Calculators, designed for educational reasons; source code is free for your use on those. Enjoy!
The formulae information and subsequent results of all of our converters, calculators and tables is accurate to the best of our knowledge, though we cannot guarantee it. Use it at your own risk.