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Multi-Data US, Metric And Imperial Converter

This converter requires the use of Javascript enabled and capable browsers. This converter allows the entry of a known value to be converted to the desired designated value. Enter a value into the KNOWN column. Then click in the UNKNOWN column to see the Desired Unknown Value.

Data Converter

Required Data Entry Method Converted Result
Known Value And Quantity Formula Or Factor Desired Unknown Value
inches x 25.4 = millimeters
feet x 30.48 = centimeters
yards x 0.9144 = meters
miles x 1.609 = kilometers
millimeters x 0.03937 = inches
centimeters x 0.3937 = inches
meters x 1.0936 = yards
kilometers x 0.6215 = miles
Known Value And Quantity Formula Or Factor Desired Unknown Value
square inches x 6.452 = sq cm
square feet x 0.09 = sq meters
square yards x 0.8361 = sq meters
square miles x 2.590 = sq kmeters
square acres x 0.4 = sq hectares
square cm x 0.155 = sq inches
square meters x 1.196 = sq yards
square km x 0.3861 = sq miles
sq hectares x 2.5 = sq acres
Mass and Weight
Known Value And Quantity Formula Or Factor Desired Unknown Value
fluid ounces x 30 = grams
pounds x 0.4536 = kilograms
short tons x 0.9 = metric tons
grams x 0.0333 = fluid ounces
kilograms x 2.2046 = pounds
metric tons x 1.1 = short tons
Liquid Volume
Known Value And Quantity Formula Or Factor Desired Unknown Value
ounces x 30 = millilitres
pints x 0.47 = litres
quarts x 0.95 = litres
gallons (UK) x 4.54 = litres
millilitres x 0.034 = ounces
litres x 2.1 = pints
litres x 1.06 = quarts
litres x 0.22 = gallons (UK)
Known Value And Quantity Formula Or Factor Desired Unknown Value
Fahrenheit - 32 x 5/9 = Celsius
Celsius x 9/5 + 32= Fahrenheit
Version 1.8.9

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