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Irrigation Coverage Quantity
And Cost Calculator

This calculator requires the use ofJavascript enabled and capable browsers. This calculator is designed to give an approximate area quantity and the volume of water to irrigate that given area, either generally rectangular or generally round. (You must estimate if the area is oblong.) Enter the width and length of your rectangular area, or enter the diameter of your circular area, click on whether you are measuring each designation in feet or inches (they do not all have to be the same). Enter the cost of each quantity of water, along with the coverage area in square inches, square feet or square yards for a quantity of water to irrigate, and that quantity; then click Calculate. The calculator will estimate the number of square inches, feet and yards of coverage area, the number of units of water required for irrigation of that area as well as the estimated total cost if you entered the cost value of that volume of water and how much area that given volume of water will irrigate. What the actual designation measure is of the unit of water is not important, so long as you can determine the area it will cover and the cost of it.

Square Or Rectangular Shaped Areas
Required Data Entry
Water Cost $ Each Unit
Irrigation Coverage Per Quantity

Calculated Results
Coverage Area Square Inches
Coverage Area Square Feet
Coverage Area Square Yards
Water Units Required For Area Coverage
Irrigation Expense $ Approximate Cost
Round Or Oblong Shaped Areas
Required Data Entry
Average Diameter
Water Cost $ Each Unit
Irrigation Coverage Per Quantity
Calculated Results
Coverage Area Square Inches
Coverage Area Square Feet
Coverage Area Square Yards
Water Units Required For Area Coverage
Irrigation Expense $ Approximate Cost
Updated 8.17.11

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