Subroutines And Snippets Source Code
For Converters and Calculators
As of 4/24/02, we are beginning this new section of source code available software. As time permits, we will add to this list regularly. There will be NO support for items on this list. Use them at your own risk. As of 7/1/09, we are in a major update and rewrite of these 2000+ snippets.
Below is a menu list of different categories of subroutines, routines, snippets and supporting source code based on potential usage in calculators, conversion charts and converter programs. All of the source files listed on these pages can be used freely but we would like to have credit for the code. Unless otherwise noted, that is NOT the case for the balance of our site; unless stated otherwise, the content on our site is copyrighted intellectual material which is available for license but not for downloading with a fee. We have written these code snippets or provided these source code files for educational purposes and convenience. We have provided these due to the *THOUSANDS* of requests for programming help that we get. It is our contention that these files will answer 99% of the questions we get. You may need to do a little manual looking to find what you need but we feel that having seen a large cross section of questions over the years, these will resolve most problems. Following in that same pattern, we also do not have the time to help with programming projects that may stem from use of this code. We offer it free of charge but assume no liability for the use of it. We hope that you can get some help and education from these. We urge you to take the time to learn what each file does rather than just use it. Some are written only as demonstrations of programming techniques and others have highly functional uses. Stop in frequently as this list will be ongoing. What we have presented is probably not the ONLY way to accomplish the task; it is probably one of many and perhaps not the best for your need. It is however, A way. (Click here for more details about using our snippets, source code, free converters and free calculators.) We have made no effort to clean these routines to be presentable; in fact in some cases, you may need to view the source code in order to use them as there may be no screen display. As of 7/1/09, we ARE making an effort to make these scripts and tutorial pages easier for novices. We are always receptive to comments or suggestions you may have; it is because of many comments and requests that we ARE making them easier to use. Inside the text of the source code, there are instructions so that you can cut and paste. Thanks for visiting. Enjoy! Some of these snippets or programs have been donated or are public domain and are used for your convenience.
All information on this site is copyrighted intellectual property of Computer Support Group (a California corporation) and CSGNetwork. All US and International copyright laws are in effect and applicable to the materials on this site. The script or HTML in the delivery box ON THIS PAGE has been released from the usage portion of our copyright. You may use this in any way you wish but we do require that you retain our commented information within the script and clearly place a link to our index page at CSGNetwork.Com. That link is provided in the delivery box code also. You may not use any information, graphics, text or intellectual property from anywhere on this site UNLESS the page specifically allows you to copy it from a delivery box, or supplies other copy or download information. We accept no responsibility for accuracy, usability or how you actually use it on your page. The formulae information and subsequent results of all of our converters, calculators and tables is accurate to the best of our knowledge, though we cannot guarantee it. Use it at your own risk.