Baseball Pitching Ground Ball Fly Ball Calculator
This calculator requires the use of Javascript enabled and capable browsers. This calculator is designed to give a ratio representation of pitched ground balls in relationship to pitched fly balls put into play by the batter, and the rate of ground ball in relationship to total pitches put in play (also know as ground ball rate of occurrence). Any hit ball that is fair, is in play, hit or out. In the case of fly balls, a foul that is caught for an out is also considered in play. The formulas are listed below but you may also visit our Baseball Pitching Stats Formulae page. Enter the data that you have in the required data section. Then click on Calculate. You may change a field and re-calculate with other values remaining the same. You may also click on Clear Values and reset all fields and results to initial value defaults. All of the result fields are for calculated answers only and ARE NOT editable. All fields require NUMERIC entry only! Please see our defensive stats calculator, or our pitching and defensive stats combined calculator.
These are the formulae used in determining the statistics calculations:
Total Balls In Play = Ground Balls In Play + Fly Balls In Play
Ground Ball to Fly Ball Ratio = Ground Balls In Play / Fly Balls In Play
Ground Ball Rate Of Occurrence = Ground Balls In Play / Total Balls In Play
See our Baseball Pitching Stats Formulae page.
Formulae based on information from Major League Baseball and Baseball Scorecard.