Baseball Defensive Statistics Calculator
This calculator requires the use of Javascript enabled and capable browsers. This calculator is designed to give all of the normally kept baseball (and softball) Defensive (fielding team) statistics in one calculation. The formulas are listed below but you may also visit our Baseball Defense Stats Formulae page. Enter the data that you have in the required data section. Then click on Calculate. You may change a field and re-calculate with other values remaining the same. You may also click on Clear Values and reset all fields and results to initial value defaults. If you only want a certain calculation, you may enter only the data required to save time and energy. (The formulae below will give you a good idea of what is required for each result function to properly calculate.) Then click on Calculate. You do NOT have to erase a default value in each field; the system will do it for you but ONLY defaults. All of the fields are set to default to zero (0) if not edited. All of the result fields are for calculated answers only and ARE NOT editable. All fields require NUMERIC entry only! Please see our pitching stats calculator, or our pitching and defensive stats combined calculator.
These are the formulae used in determining the statistics calculations:
Fielding Percentage (method 1) = Fielding Attempts - Errors / Fielding Attempts
Fielding Percentage (method 2) = Putouts + Assists / Putouts + Assists + Errors
Range Factor = (Putouts + Assists) * 9 / Defensive Innings Played
Games Won Percentage = Games Won / Games Won + Games Lost
Games Lost Percentage = Games Lost / Games Won + Games Lost
See our Baseball Defense Stats Formulae page.
Formulae based on information from Major League Baseball and Baseball Scorecard.