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Heart Blood Volume Calculator

This calculator requires the use of Javascript enabled and capable browsers. This calculator is designed to give the mathematical determination of the volumes that the AVERAGE heart pumps. This is based on a healthy heart with no other factors involved. Dr. Robert Jarvic, inventor of the artificial heart, indicates that the potential average number of heartbeats in a lifetime by a healthy heart is "greater than 2 billion" (2,000,000,000). The American Heart Association indicates the average potential is 2.6 billion. Other models range from 2 billion up to 2.9 billion. All of the estimates are qualified guesses and can neither be confirmed or discounted. You insert the figure you feel is best for your research. The average heart rate for adult humans is about 70 to 75 beats per minute in a normal relaxed mode, your pulse rate, according to the American Medical Association; they also indicate children range from about 90 to 120 beats per minute. Obviously each person is different and has different stress levels involved. We strongly suggest that if you are concerned about heart risk factors, you should contact your doctor and talk about your concerns. We have used the default values of 72 bpm and 2.6 billion life time beats. You should insert what YOUR rate is if you are using this calculator for yourself. That yields an anticipated lifespan of about 68.66 years. How much blood in volume is involved?

The average adult body contains between 5.2 and 6 liters, roughly 5.5 to 6.5 quarts, of blood. The heart pumps approximately the entire body blood volume completely each minute. According to the U. S. Department of Health, the average heart, based on our defaults, pumps about .073 liters of blood each beat or about 2000 US gallons per 24 hour day roughly. Select and insert your values for the beats per minute, beats per lifetime model and the blood volume per beat and click on Calculate. The data returned is anticipated number of beats per year and, the volume of blood pumped in a year in liters, gallons and 42 gallon barrels. That is also the case for months, weeks and days. The life expectancy in years is given, along with the volumes of blood anticipated for that lifetime. See our Life Expectancy Estimator by Heart Rate.

Required Data Entry
Your Normal Heart Rate Beats Per minute
Data Model Selection Beats Per Lifetime
Volume Model Selection Liters

Calculated Results
Years Potential Life Expectancy Liters
Gallons Barrels
Heart Beats Per Year Liters
Gallons Barrels
Heart Beats Per Month Liters
Gallons Barrels
Heart Beats Per Week Liters
Gallons Barrels
Heart Beats Per Day Liters
Gallons Barrels
Updated 8.15.11

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