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4 Bit Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) Clock Display

This converter binary coded decimal clock requires the use of Javascript enabled and capable browsers. The display uses four bits (binary digits, zeros and ones), the rightmost being the ones equivalent, the next to the left, the twos equivalent, the next to the left, the fours equivalent and the leftmost, the eights equivalent. On each line is the decimal equivalent of the group of 4 bits, indicating the designated clock digit. The time displayed is based on YOUR local time, not our server time. The lowest line (and the rightmost line from top to bottom) is the combination of all the digits, in digital time, standard format. In the non-scrolling browser lower information bar, is the date with the decimal equivalent of the time, alternating with a text representation of the time. You may wish to see a full binary clock display only, a simple binary clock display or schematic and instructions on building an LED BCD clock.

Tens Of Hours
Tens Of Minutes
Tens Of Seconds
Digital Equivalent Of Binary : :

Updated 8.13.11

For Time Zone Calculations
Julian To Current Day and Date Calculator

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