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Wire Gauge Conversion Table

This table is the comparison chart for both AWG and other wire designations. Gages desginations are arranged in columns below. The abbreviations signify: AWG = American Wire Gauge, B&S = Brown & Sharpe SWG = Imperial Standard Wire Gauge - (British legal standard). The values are stated in closely calculated, approximate decimals of an inch, excluding the metric numbers. As a number of gauges are in use for various shapes and metals, it is advisable to state the thickness in thousands when specifying in gauge number. Metric wire gauge is 10 times the diameter in millimeters.

S.W.G. Wire Number A.W.G. or B&S A.W.G. Metric
(Inches) (Gauge) (Inches) (MM)
0.500 0000000 (7/0)   ............
0.464 000000 (6/0) 0.580000 ............
0.432 00000 (5/0) 0.516500 ............
0.400 0000 (4/0) 0.460000 11,684
0.372 000 (3/0) 0.409642 10,404
0.348 00 (2/0) 0.364796 9,266
0.324 0 (1/0) 0.324861 8,252
0.300 1 0.289297 7,348
0.276 2 0.257627 6,543
0.252 3 0.229423 5,827
0.232 4 0.2043 5,189
0.2120 5 0.1819 4,621
0.1920 6 0.1620 4,115
0.1760 7 0.1443 3,665
0.1600 8 0.1285 3,264
0.1440 9 0.1144 2,906
0.1280 10 0.1019 2,588
0.1160 11 0.0907 2,304
0.1040 12 0.0808 2,052
0.0920 13 0.0720 1,829
0.0800 14 0.0641 1,628
0.0720 15 0.0571 1,450
0.0640 16 0.0508 1,291
0.0560 17 0.0453 1,150
0.0480 18 0.0403 1,024
0.0400 19 0.0359 0,9119
0.0360 20 0.0320 0,8128
0.0320 21 0.0285 0,7239
0.0280 22 0.0253 0,6426
0.0240 23 0.0226 0,5740
0.0220 24 0.0201 0,5106
0.0200 25 0.0179 0,4547
0.0180 26 0.0159 0,4038
0.0164 27 0.0142 0,3606
0.0148 28 0.0126 0,3200
0.0136 29 0.0113 0,2870
0.0124 30 0.0100 0,2540
0.0116 31 0.0089 0,2261
0.0108 32 0.0080 0,2032
0.0100 33 0.0071 0,1803
0.0092 34 0.0063 0,1601
0.0084 35 0.0056 0,1422
0.0076 36 0.0050 0,1270
0.0068 37 0.0045 0,1143
0.0060 38 0.0040 0,1016
0.0052 39 0.0035 0,0889
0.0048 40 0.0031 0,0787
0.0044 41 0.0028 0,0711
0.0040 42 0.0025 0,0635
0.0036 43 0.0022 0,0559
0.0032 44 0.0020 0,0508
0.0028 45 0.0018 0,0457
0.0024 46 0.0016 0,0406
0.0020 47 0.0014 0,0350
0.0016 48 0.0012 0.0305
0.0012 49 0.0011 0,0279
0.0010 50 0.0010 0,0254
  51 0.00088 0,0224
  52 0.00078 0,0198
  53 0.00070 0,0178
  54 0.00062 0,0158
  55 0.00055 0,0140
  56 0.00049 0,0124
Version 1.0.1

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