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Dime Time Clock Converter

This converter requires the use of Javascript enabled and capable browsers. This creates and displays the time in two standard formats, local time and UTC; two decimal variations, local dime time and UTC dime time. Here is how Dime Time is determined and defined:

Dime = Decimal Time
1 day = 10 decimal hours (dours) 1 day = 24 regular hours
1 decimal hour (dour) = 100 decimal minutes (dinutes) 1 regular hour = 60 regular minutes1 day = 10 decimal hours (dours) 1 day = 24 regular hours
1 decimal hour (dour) = 100 decimal minutes (dinutes) 1 regular hour = 60 regular minutes
1 decimal minute (dinute) = 100 decimal seconds (deconds) 1 regular minute = 60 regular seconds
1 decimal hour (dour) = 10,000 decimal seconds (deconds) 1 regular hour = 3,600 regular seconds
1 day = 1,000 decimal minutes (dinutes) 1 day = 1,440 regular minutes
1 day = 100,000 decimal seconds (deconds) 1 day = 86,400 regular seconds
1 decimal hour (dour) = 2.4 regular hours 1 regular hour = 0.41(6) decimal hours (dours)
1 decimal minute (dinute) = 1.44 regular minutes 1 regular minute = 0.69(4) decimal minutes (dinutes)
1 decimal second (decond) = 0.864 regular seconds 1 regular second = 1.15(740) decimal seconds (deconds)
1 decimal minute (dinute) = 100 decimal seconds (deconds) 1 regular minute = 60 regular seconds

You can learn more about this philosophy on time by visiting the unofficial Dime Time site, operated by Sergey Zaytsev.

Dime Time Clock Display

Updated 8.15.11

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