This calculator requires the use of Javascript enabled and capable browsers. This calculator is designed to give related information based on the first three digits of a United States Social Security Number. Most of the time, that information is the state (or U.S. territory) of the number holder's issuance, though technically, it is the location where application for the SSN was made. There are a few exceptions and they are handled by this calculated search. The information in this database is provided by the public domain documents of the Social Security Administration updated as of July 31, 2011.
**Effective June 25, 2011, the SSA began a new randomized assignment methodology, called "SSN Randomization", in an effort to extend the longevity of the nine-digit SSN nationwide as well as making the newly assigned SSN's more difficult to reconstruct using public information. Unused area numbers as well as previously unassigned area numbers will now be available in the new randomization system.
Updated: 7/31/11