Salary to Hourly Rate Converter

This calculator requires the use of Javascript enabled and capable browsers. It is a simple and basic conversion from pretax salary plus benefits as an employee to an hourly rate without benefits for a W-2 contractor. This is a pure Javascript program that runs on your computer. None of the numbers on this page are sent anywhere else. Your privacy is assured. Select the object and answer the question. When all are answered, click on the Calculate button. All entries should be numeric. The results are returned as numbers, based on your entries. The idea here is that making the above rate as a contractor working the same number of hours as at the salaried position, and buying (after taxes) the same benefits for yourself, you will come away with the same amount. This analysis assumes that employee insurance and retirement benefits are not taxed and that 1/3 of gross income is taken as taxes. It doesn't take into account that some of the retirement benefits you can buy for yourself may be untaxed, for example, an IRA. In that case, your hourly rate will be slightly less. Also, you probably don't pay exactly 1/3 of your gross income in taxes. Enjoy!

Hours worked per week
Annual salary
Paid days off per year
Yearly insurance cost (i.e. what it would cost you to buy insurance that is equivalent to what your employer provides)
Percent of pay your employer contributes to your retirement fund(s)
Yearly bonus pay
Note: these are pretax amounts:
Yearly days off $
Yearly insurance $
Yearly retirement $
Total yearly $
Hourly salary $
Hourly days off $
Hourly insurance $
Hourly retirement $
Hourly bonus $
Hourly Rate $
Updated 8.12.11

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