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Pool Chemical Conditions Calculator

This calculator requires the use of Javascript enabled and capable browsers. This calculator is designed to help you determine the chemical condition and make suggestions concerning the re-circulating water in a pool, spa, pond, fountain or waterfall. Throughout this set of calculators, the generic term water source is meant to include or mean any water source with re-circulating water within. The terms pool and spa are specific in chlorination. The Pool Chemical Conditions Calculator is designed to help you by automatically computing the correct amount of chemical you'll need to adjust your water source's water. Simply enter the correct information about your water source at each prompt and let the calculator do the work! All you need to know before you get started is your water source's volume in gallons, what type of chlorine you are currently using (liquid, cal hypo, dichlor, etc.) and your water source's current reading for the variable you're trying to adjust. Based on your data entry, The Pool Chemical Conditions Calculator will give you the approximate amount of chemical to add for the selected adjustment. As a caveat, all chemical recommendations are for water sources under normal conditions. All calculated amounts are approximate. This is at best a close approximation based on data you supply. We are not responsible for any chemicals you add to your water source (pool, spa, fountain, waterfall, pond or other water location), or for any liability resulting from following the suggestions made on this web page. When in doubt, add less chemical than called for and re-test before adding more. For further information, please contact a water chemical expert. Each calculator is independent of the others. After doing one calculation, you may go to another or you may click on Clear Values and do another calculation on the same one.

In these calculators, the abbreviation PPM is for parts per million. The data entry range is the workable range for all values; the range for Volume (quantity) Of Water is 1 to 9,999,999 gallons. The range for Alkalinity and Calcium Hardness is 0 to 9,999 while the range for Cyanuric Acid is 0 to 999 PPM. The range for Total Chlorine and Free Available Chlorine is 0 to 99.9 PPM.

Raise Total Alkalinity
You should keep your pool or spa's Total Alkalinity at 60 to 180 PPM.
Required Data Entry
The volume of water is (1 to 9,999,999 gallons) gallons.
The current Total Alkalinity is (0 to 9,999)PPM.
I want the Total Alkalinity to be (0 to 9,999) PPM.

Calculated Results
I need to use Alkalinity Increaser (Sodium Bicarbonate) to correct the Total Alkalinity of the water. I need to add pounds
Raise Calcium Hardness
You should keep your pool or spa's Calcium Hardness at 150 to 250 PPM.
Required Data Entry
The volume of water is (1 to 9,999,999 gallons) gallons.
The water current Calcium Hardness is (0 to 9,999) PPM.
I want the Calcium Hardness to be (0 to 9,999) PPM.
Calculated Results
I need to use Hardness Increaser (Calcium Chloride Flake) to correct the Calcium Hardness of the water. I need to add pounds.
Raise Cyanuric Acid (Stabilizer) Level
You should keep your outdoor pool or spa's Cyanuric Acid level at 0 to 50 PPM. It isn't necessary to add Cyanuric Acid to an indoor pool or spa.
Required Data Entry
The volume of water is (1 to 9,999,999 gallons) gallons.
The current Cyanuric Acid level is (0 to 999) PPM.
I want the Cyanuric Acid level to be (0 to 999) PPM.
Calculated Results
I need to use Cyanuric Acid (Stabilizer) to correct the water CYA level. I need to add pounds.
Raise Chlorine Level
You should keep your water source's (except for a spa) Free Available Chlorine (FAC) level between 1.0 and 3.0 parts per million (PPM) while your spa's FAC level should be generally higher, between 2.0 and 5.0 PPM. Heat and oil are the main reasons for difference.
Required Data Entry
The volume of water is (1 to 9,999,999 gallons) gallons.
The current FAC reading is (0 to 99.9) PPM.
I want the FAC reading to be (0 to 99.9) PPM.
The water source uses

Liquid Chlorine (Sodium Hypochlorite) any brand that is similar
Calcium Hypochlorite (granular or PPG Accu-Tabs) any brand that is similar
Dichlor (granular) any brand that is similar
Trichlor (tablets, pucks or sticks) any brand that is similar
Calculated Results
I need to use to correct the water FAC level. I need to add  
Lower (Neutralize) Chlorine Level
Sometimes it becomes necessary to quickly reduce the level of chlorine in your water source, pool or spa, though time will do it for you. One way is to add Sodium Thiosulfate to neutralize the excess chlorine.
Required Data Entry
The volume of water is (1 to 9,999,999 gallons) gallons.
The current Total Chlorine reading is (0 to 99.9) PPM.
I want the Total Chlorine reading to be (0 to 99.9) PPM.
Calculated Results
I need to use Sodium Thiosulfate to correct the water Total Chlorine level. I need to add pounds.
Shock (Superchlorination)
You will need to know the Combined Chlorine reading in PPM before you can use the Shock Calculator. We recommend shocking with either Calcium Hypochlorite (granular only, not tablets) or with Liquid Chlorine (Sodium Hypochlorite).
Required Data Entry
The volume of water is (1 to 9,999,999 gallons) gallons.
The current Combined Chlorine reading is (0 to 99.9) PPM.
I use this chemical to shock the water

Calcium Hypochlorite
Liquid Chlorine (Sodium Hypochlorite)
Calculated Results
I need to use
to shock the water. I need to add:
Updated: 7/15/11
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