PI Calculator
This calculator requires the use of Javascript enabled and capable browsers. PI is approximately 3.14, by definition, the number of times that a circle's diameter will fit around the circle. PI goes on forever, and can't be calculated to perfect precision, although you can do better than 2 decimal places. On our site and in all of our calculators, 3.14159 is the value we use, unless otherwise specified. The purpose of this calculator demonstration is to prove PI. To use this calculator, begin by entering the circumference of a given circle and the diameter of the SAME circle. Click on the "Calculate" button for the returned calculated value of PI, thus proving it. The default values are those used by Chinese math major, Tsu Ch'ung-Chi in his 500AD calculations. The formula for determining PI is based on a given circle; the circumference divided by the diameter equals PI. Please see our Piece Of PI information, and our Historical Computation Of PI Table. Dividing the PI(e) has always been a problem but sometimes multiplying with it is also. You can do either here; PI power is also available. Calculate the diameter here; Calculate the circumference here. (Please don't leave crumbs on the table.)
Updated 8.15.11