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Flat Tax Estimate Percentage Calculator

This calculator requires the use of Javascript enabled and capable browsers. No, this does not calculate your taxes, at least by the way taxes are done now; it could be this simple if we had a flat tax. This calculator is designed to show the percentage of the taxes paid and remaining dollars from your gross income revenue, after the payment of flat tax, which is also calculated. This type of data, if we had a flat tax, is what you would pay each year, and related information. That fast and that simple. By definition, percentage is a fraction or ratio expressed as part of 100. To determine the paid tax percentage, divide the flat tax amount paid by the gross income amount. Dollars and cents is a legitimate entry for the gross income. A valid entry for gross income is from .01 to $1,000,000,000 (there is always hope...). A valid entry for the flat tax percentage is from .01 to 99.99%. Results are the amount of money due for tax, the amount remaining after taxes, the percentage of taxes paid and the percentage of the balance left after taxes. The default entry for the gross income $50000.00 and the default for the taxes paid flat percentage is 15% using the whole number 15; you will need to adjust these to your own amounts. For more information on the idea of flat taxes, start here.

Required Data Entry
Gross Income Dollars
Flat Tax Percentage %

Calculated Results
Tax Due
After Tax Revenue
Paid Tax Percentage
Balance Percentage
Version 1.3.5

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