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Meteorology Conversion Factors Table

Atmospheres (atm) to inches of mercury @32°F (inHg32) (atm) * 29.9213 = (inHg32)
Atmospheres (atm) to inches of mercury @60°F (inHg60) (atm) * 30.0058 = (inHg60)
Atmospheres (atm) to millibars (mb) (atm) * 1013.25 = (mb)
Atmospheres (atm) to pascals (Pa) (atm) * 101325 = (Pa)
Atmospheres (atm) to pounds/square inch (lb/in**2) (atm) * 14.696 = (lb/in**2)
Degrees Celsius (C) to degrees Fahrenheit (F) [(C) * 1.8] + 32 = (F)
Degrees Celsius (C) to Kelvin (K) (C) + 273.15 = (K)
Degrees Celsius (C) to degrees Rankine (R) [(C) * 1.8] + 491.67 = (R)
Degrees Fahrenheit (F) to degrees Celsius (C) [(F) - 32)] * 0.555556 = (C)
Degrees Fahrenheit (F) to Kelvin (K) [(F) * 0.555556] + 255.37 = (K)
Degrees Fahrenheit (F) to degrees Rankine (R) (F) + 459.67 = (R)
Kelvin (K) to degrees Celsius (C) (K) - 273.15 = (C)
Kelvin (K) to degrees Fahrenheit (F) [(K) - 255.37] * 1.8 = (F)
Kelvin (K) to degrees Rankine (R) (K) * 1.8 = (R)
Degrees Rankine (R) to degrees Celsius (C) [(R) - 491.67] * 0.555556 = (C)
Degrees Rankine (R) to degrees Fahrenheit (F) (R) - 459.67 = (F)
Degrees Rankine (R) to Kelvin (K) (R) * 0.555556 = (K)
Hectopascals (hPa) to millibars (mb) Nothing - they are equivalent units
Inches of mercury @32°F (inHg32) to atmospheres (atm) (inHg32) * 0.0334211 = (atm)
Inches of mercury @32°F (inHg32) to millibars (mb) (inHg32) * 33.8639 = (mb)
Inches of mercury @32°F (inHg32) to pounds/square inch (lb/in**2) (inHg32) * 0.49115 = (lb/in**2)
Inches of mercury @60°F (inHg60) to atmospheres (atm) (inHg60) * 0.0333269 = (atm)
Inches of mercury @60°F (inHg60) to millibars (mb) (inHg60) * 33.7685 = (mb)
Inches of mercury @60°F (inHg60) to pounds/square inch (lb/in**2) (inHg60) * 0.48977 = (lb/in**2)
Kilopascals (kPa) to millibars (mb) (kPa) * 10 = (mb)
Millibars (mb) to atmospheres (atm) (mb) * 0.000986923 = (atm)
Millibars (mb) to hectopascals (hPa) Nothing - they are equivalent units
Millibars (mb) to inches of mercury @32°F (inHg32) (mb) * 0.02953 = (inHg32)
Millibars (mb) to inches of mercury @60°F (inHg60) (mb) * 0.02961 = (inHg60)
Millibars (mb) to kilopascals (kPa) (mb) * 0.1 = (kPa)
Millibars (mb) to millimeters of mercury @32°F (mmHg) (mb) * 0.75006 = (mmHg)
Millibars (mb) to millimeters of mercury @60°F (mmHg) (mb) * 0.75218 = (mmHg)
Millibars (mb) to newtons/square meter (N/m**2) (mb) * 100 = (N/m**2)
Millibars (mb) to pascals (Pa) (mb) * 100 = (Pa)
Millibars (mb) to pounds/square foot (lb/ft**2) (mb) * 2.088543 = (lb/ft**2)
Millibars (mb) to pounds/square inch (lb/in**2) (mb) * 0.0145038 = (lb/in**2)
Millimeters of mercury @32°F (mmHg) to millibars (mb) (mmHg) * 1.33322 = (mb)
Millimeters of mercury @60°F (mmHg) to millibars (mb) (mmHg) * 1.32947 = (mb)
Newtons/square meter (N/m**2) to millibars (mb) (N/m**2) * 0.01 = (mb)
Pascals (Pa) to atmospheres (atm) (Pa) * 0.000009869 = (atm)
Pascals (Pa) to millibars (mb) (Pa) * 0.01 = (mb)
Pounds/square foot (lb/ft**2) to millibars (mb) (lb/ft**2) * 0.478803 = (mb)
Pounds/square inch (lb/in**2) to atmospheres (atm) (lb/in**2) * 0.068046 = (atm)
Pounds/square inch (lb/in**2) to inches of mercury @32°F (inHg32) (lb/in**2) * 2.03602 = (inHg32)
Pounds/square inch (lb/in**2) to inches of mercury @60°F (inHg60) (lb/in**2) * 2.04177 = (inHg60)
Pounds/square inch (lb/in**2) to millibars (mb) (lb/in**2) * 68.9474483 = (mb)

Updated 8.12.11

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