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Mach One Calculator

This calculator requires the use of Javascript enabled and capable browsers. This calculator is designed to give the value of Mach One (the speed of sound), at a given temperature. The result is given in miles per hour (mph), knots, meters per second (m/s), feet per second (f/s), and kilometers per hour (km/h). Enter the ambient OAT (outside air temperature) for the altitude where you are measuring. Click on Calculate for the resulting speed for that temperature.

Mach Number (M) = TAS/CS
CS = sound speed = 38.967854 * sqrt(T+273.15) where T is the OAT in Celsius
TAS is true airspeed in knots

Mach One Calculator
Ambient Temperature Required Data Entry
TemperatureFahrenheit CelsiusKelvin

Calculated Results
Virtual Mach One Calculation = mph
Virtual Mach One Calculation = knots
Virtual Mach One Calculation = m/s
Virtual Mach One Calculation = ft/s
Virtual Mach One Calculation = km/h
Updated 8.15.11

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