This site has no direct relationship to the Illinois Lottery and is not a part of the Illinois Lottery system. We take no responsibility if you use this number selector and lose your wager. This calculator and number selector requires the use of Javascript enabled and capable browsers. The selector below is for the Lotto game in the Illinois Lottery. Life has no guarantees and this has even fewer! We can't guarantee that this will let you "take it to the bank" but it is probably as good as any other method of selecting Lotto numbers and is based on some fairly good random selection routines. However, hope springs eternal! If you are into this sort of thing, you may also want to try our Illinois Lottery Little Lotto Number Selector or our Illinois Lottery MegaMillions Number Selector. To have the number selector select The Lucky Numbers for you, press the Illinois Lottery Lotto Number Selector bar while keeping all your fingers and toes crossed. Different browsers react differently to this calculator. Some allow the numbers to keep spinning, allowing for the highest probability of better selections. That is the design of the system so that "robots" cannot use this as a selector. When you want a number, click on Add To My Multiple Numbers List; otherwise the selector will stop and you can either add it or not. Good luck and don't forget to send us our percentage if you win...
Lotto is the Illinois State big money game and is your (slim) chance to win millions of dollars! It is one of the many Illinois Lottery games. If you have questions about any of them, see the Illinois Lottery WebSite. You can also see information on previous winners and jackpot sizes. There are four ways to win from $3 to over $2 million in cash.The cost to play is $1 for two games. Pick a total of six number from 1 to 52. Or simply ask for a Quick Pick (computer randomly selects your numbers). Play up to 10 games on each play slip. There are drawings every Wednesday and Saturday night at 9:22PM. Tune in to WGN-TV (Channel 9 in Chicago) every Wednesday and Saturday night at 9:22PM. Listen to WBBM-AM News Radio 780 at the top of the hour for the winning numbers. Your local Lottery retailer can generate a winning number list. You can buy your tickets in advance by asking for a "Multi-Draw". Tickets for Lotto are available for up to 15 consecutive drawings in advance. Odds of winning are 1 in 13,983,816.