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ISO-8859-1 Characters Set for HTML

ISO-8859-1 Characters Set

Decimal Code Char Description Entity Notes PostScript Name

ISO-8859-1 Characters
� - Unused
	 Horizontal tab  

 Line feed  
 - Unused

 Carriage Return  
 - Unused
!!Exclamation mark  exclam
""Quotation mark" quotedbl
##Number sign  numbersign
$$Dollar sign  dollar
%%Percent sign  percent
&&Ampersand& ampersand
''Apostrophe  quotesingle
((Left parenthesis  parenleft
))Right parenthesis  parenright
**Asterisk  asterisk
++Plus sign  plus
,,Comma  comma
--Hyphen  hyphen
..Period (fullstop)  period
//Solidus  slash
0 - 90 - 9Decimal digits
::Colon  colon
&#59;;Semi-colon  semicolon
&#60;<Less than&lt; less
&#61;=Equals sign  equal
&#62;>Greater than&gt; greater
&#63;?Question mark  question
&#64;@Commercial at  at
&#65; - &#90;A - ZUppercase letters
&#91;[Left square bracket  bracketleft
&#92;\Reverse solidus  backslash
&#93;]Right square bracket  bracketright
&#94;^Caret  asciicircum
&#95;_Horizontal bar  underscore
&#96;`Grave accent  grave
&#97; - &#122;a - zLowercase letters
&#123;{Left curly brace  braceleft
&#124;|Vertical bar  bar
&#125;}Right curly brace  braceright
&#126;~Tilde  asciitilde
&#127; - &#159;Unused (truly!)
&#160; Nonbreaking space&nbsp; nbspace
&#192;ÀCapital A, grave accent&Agrave; Agrave
&#224;àSmall a, grave accent&agrave; agrave
&#193;ÁCapital A, acute accent&Aacute; Aacute
&#225;áSmall a, acute accent&aacute; aacute
&#194;ÂCapital A, circumflex accent&Acirc; Acircumflex
&#226;âSmall a, circumflex accent&acirc; acircumflex
&#195;ÃCapital A, tilde&Atilde; Atilde
&#227;ãSmall a, tilde&atilde; atilde
&#196;ÄCapital A, dieresis or umlaut mark&Auml; Adieresis
&#228;äSmall a, dieresis or umlaut mark&auml; adieresis
&#197;ÅCapital A, ring&Aring; Aring
&#229;åSmall a, ring&aring; aring
&#198;ÆCapital AE dipthong (ligature)&AElig; AE
&#230;æSmall ae dipthong (ligature)&aelig; ae
&#199;ÇCapital C, cedilla&Ccedil; Ccedilla
&#231;çSmall c, cedilla&ccedil; ccedilla
&#208;[GIF]Capital Eth, Icelandic&ETH;c1Eth
&#240;[GIF]Small eth, Icelandic&eth;c1eth
&#200;ÈCapital E, grave accent&Egrave; Egrave
&#232;èSmall e, grave accent&egrave; egrave
&#201;ÉCapital E, acute accent&Eacute; Eacute
&#233;éSmall e, acute accent&eacute; eacute
&#202;ÊCapital E, circumflex accent&Ecirc; Ecircumflex
&#234;êSmall e, circumflex accent&ecirc; ecircumflex
&#203;ËCapital E, dieresis or umlaut mark&Euml; Edieresis
&#235;ëSmall e, dieresis or umlaut mark&euml; edieresis
&#204;ÌCapital I, grave accent&Igrave; Igrave
&#236;ìSmall i, grave accent&igrave; igrave
&#205;ÍCapital I, acute accent&Iacute; Iacute
&#237;íSmall i, acute accent&iacute iacute
&#206;ÎCapital I, circumflex accent&Icirc; Icircumflex
&#238;îSmall i, circumflex accent&icirc; icircumflex
&#207;ÏCapital I, dieresis or umlaut mark&Iuml; Idieresis
&#239;ïSmall i, dieresis or umlaut mark&iuml; idieresis
&#181;µMicro sign&micro; mu
&#209;ÑCapital N, tilde&Ntilde; Ntilde
&#241;ñSmall n, tilde&ntilde; ntilde
&#210;ÒCapital O, grave accent&Ograve; Ograve
&#242;òSmall o, grave accent&ograve; ograve
&#211;ÓCapital O, acute accent&Oacute; Oacute
&#243;óSmall o, acute accent&oacute; oacute
&#212;ÔCapital O, circumflex accent&Ocirc; Ocircumflex
&#244;ôSmall o, circumflex accent&ocirc; ocircumflex
&#213;ÕCapital O, tilde&Otilde; Otilde
&#245;õSmall o, tilde&otilde; otilde
&#214;ÖCapital O, dieresis or umlaut mark&Ouml; Odieresis
&#246;öSmall o, dieresis or umlaut mark&ouml; odieresis
&#216;ØCapital O, slash&Oslash; Oslash
&#248;øSmall o, slash&oslash; oslash
&#223;ßSmall sharp s, German (sz ligature)&szlig; germandbls
&#222;[GIF]Capital THORN, Icelandic&THORN;c1Thorn
&#254;[GIF]Small thorn, Icelandic&thorn;c1thorn
&#217;ÙCapital U, grave accent&Ugrave; Ugrave
&#249;ùSmall u, grave accent&ugrave; ugrave
&#218;ÚCapital U, acute accent&Uacute; Uacute
&#250;úSmall u, acute accent&uacute; uacute
&#219;ÛCapital U, circumflex accent&Ucirc; Ucircumflex
&#251;ûSmall u, circumflex accent&ucirc; ucircumflex
&#220;ÜCapital U, dieresis or umlaut mark&Uuml; Udieresis
&#252;üSmall u, dieresis or umlaut mark&uuml; udieresis
&#221;[GIF]Capital Y, acute accent&Yacute;c1Yacute
&#253;[GIF]Small y, acute accent&yacute;c1yacute
&#255;ÿSmall y, dieresis or umlaut mark&yuml; ydieresis
&#168;¨Umlaut&uml; dieresis
&#175;¯Macron accent&macr; macron
&#180;´Acute accent&acute; acute
&#184;¸Cedilla&cedil; cedilla
&#161;¡Inverted exclamation&iexcl; exclamdown
&#191;¿Inverted question mark&iquest; questiondown
&#183;·Middle dot&middot; periodcentered
&#166;[GIF]Broken vertical bar&brvbar;c1brokenbar
&#171;«Left angle quote&laquo; guillemotleft
&#187;»Right angle quote&raquo; guillemotright
&#182;Paragraph sign&para; paragraph
&#167;§Section sign&sect; section
&#169;©Copyright&copy; copyright
&#174;®Registered trademark&reg; registered
&#185;[GIF]Superscript one&sup1;c1onesuperior
&#178;[GIF]Superscript two&sup2;c1twosuperior
&#179;[GIF]Superscript three&sup3;c1threesuperior
&#173;­Soft hyphen&shy;e1minus(?)
&#215;[GIF]Multiply sign&times;c1multiply
&#247;÷Division sign&divide; divide
&#188;[GIF]Fraction one-fourth&frac14;c1onequarter
&#189;[GIF]Fraction one-half&frac12;c1onehalf
&#190;[GIF]Fraction three-fourths&frac34;c1threequarters
&#170;ªFeminine ordinal&ordf; ordfeminine
&#186;ºMasculine ordinal&ordm; ordmasculine
&#172;¬Not sign&not; logicalnot
&#176;°Degree sign&deg; degree
&#177;±Plus or minus&plusmn; plusminus
&#164;¤General currency sign&curren; currency
&#162;¢Cent sign&cent; cent
&#163;£Pound sterling&pound; sterling
&#165;¥Yen sign&yen; yen

Supplementary Characters (Unicode UCS-2 is "charset=UNICODE-1-1")
&#338;[GIF]OE ligature&OElig;e0OE
&#339;[GIF]oe ligature&oelig;e0oe
&#305;[GIF]dotless i&inodot;e0dotlessi
&#729;[GIF]dot accent&dot;e0dotaccent
&#733;[GIF]double acute accent&dblac;e0hungarumlaut
&#8211;[GIF]en dash&ndash;e1endash
&#8212;[GIF]em dash&mdash;e1emdash
&#8225;[GIF]double dagger&Dagger;e0daggerdbl
&#8216;[GIF]quote left&lsquo;e0quoteleft
&#8217;[GIF]quote right&rsquo;e0quoteright
&#8218;[GIF]quote single base&lsquor;e0quotesinglbase
&#8220;[GIF]quote double left&ldquo;e0quotedblleft
&#8221;[GIF]quote double right&rdquo;e0quotedblright
&#8222;[GIF]quote double base&ldquor;e0quotedblbase
&#8249;[GIF]guille single left&lsaquo;e?guilsinglleft
&#8250;[GIF]guille single right&rsaquo;e?guilsinglright
&#8482;[GIF]trademark, TM&trade;e1trademark
&#8480;[GIF]service mark, SM   
&#8471;[GIF]sound recording copyright, (P)   
&#8706;[GIF]partial differential&part;e0partialdiff
&#8773;[GIF]approximately equal&ap;e0approxequal
&#8800;[GIF]not equal&ne;e0notequal
&#8804;[GIF]less than or equal&le;e0lessequal
&#8805;[GIF]greater than or equal&ge;e0greaterequal
&#8240;[GIF]per thousand (mille)&permil;e0perthousand
&#8260;[GIF]fraction separator  fraction
&#_____; product  product
&#_____; pi&pi;e0pi
&#_____; lozenge (diamond)  lozenge
&#_____; franc  franc
&#_____; apple  apple
&#8984;[GIF]command key   
&#8997;[GIF]option key   
&#9774;[GIF]peace symbol   
&#9775;[GIF]yin yang   

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