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Heat Index Calculators And Tables

This calculator requires the use of Javascript enabled and capable browsers. This script calculates the Heat Index ( or "feels like" temperature) from the relative humidity or from the dew point, along with the ambient air temperature in degrees Fahrenheit (F). In either calculator, enter the temperature in degrees (F) and the other factors (numerical entry only); then click on Calculate. The calculator will return the Heat Index and other relative information. You may independently clear the values of either calculator to start over. The heat Index does not really occur below 85 degrees F. You should also know that possible increases of up to 15 degrees F are possible in full, open sunlight for more than an hour. We have also provided tables below the calculators for those that don't feel like entering data and clicking the mouse. If you are confused by Fahrenheit and Celsius, there is a converter as a part of the calculator. Enter data in either field and click anywhere in the calculator for the result to appear. (Whew... with that behind us, the heat is OFF!) For those of you that are capable of mental math with a pencil and are up to a challenge, try this by hand. If you would like to make a manual calculation of the Heat Index, here is the formula:

Heat Index Formula, Heat Index Calculator

The formula variables are: HI = Heat Index, T = Temperature (°F), RH = Relative Humidity (%)

Temperature Converter (If needed)
°C  °F 

Heat Index Calculator ( From Relative Humidty )

Degrees Fahrenheit (°F): Relative Humidity:

Calculated Results
Heat Index (HI) - "Feels like":
Dewpoint (°F): =

Heat Index Calculator ( From Dew Point )

Degrees Fahrenheit (°F): Dewpoint (°F):
Calculated Results
Heat Index:Relative Humidity =

Heat Index Tables

In the heat index tables below, find the appropriate temperature at the top of the table. The humidity table is immediately below this and the dewpoint table is below it. The number which appears at the intersection of the temperature and either the humidity on the left or the dewpoint on the left, is the heat index.
Heat Index Table (Temperature And Relative Humidity)
Temperature (°F)
55 98100103105107110113115118121124127131134137141
50 96 98100102104107109112114117119122125128131135
45 94 96 98100102104106108110113115118120123126129
40 92 94 96 97 99101103105107109111113116118121123
35 91 92 94 95 97 98100102104106107109112114116118
30 89 90 92 93 95 96 98 99101102104106108110112114

Heat Index Table (Temperature And Dewpoint)
Temperature (°F)
65 94 95 96 97 98100101102103104106107108109110112
66 94 95 97 98 99100101103104105106108109110111112
67 95 96 97 98100101102103105106107108110111112113
68 95 97 98 99100102103104105107108109110112113114
69 96 97 99100101103104105106108109110111113114115
70 97 98 99101102103105106107109110111112114115116
71 98 99100102103104106107108109111112113115116117
72 98100101103104105107108109111112113114116117118
73 99101102103105106108109110112113114116117118119
Updated: 7/26/11
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