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Employment Cost Index (ECI) Calculator

This calculator requires the use of Javascript enabled and capable browsers. This calculator is designed to give related information to the Employment Cost Index (ECI). This is an inflation calculator for adjusting costs from one year, beginning in 1981 (the earliest year in the government's database), to another up through 2001, using the Employment Cost Index (ECI) inflation index. This inflation calculator is based on the average inflation index during the calendar year. This inflation calculator will compute inflation rates from and to any of the range of years provided. The Employment Cost Index measures changes in wages, salaries and benefits for civilian workers (private industry plus state and local government). This information is gleaned from government statistics and provided as information only. We make no guarantees as to the accuracy of the government information. Wall Street indicates that a larger than expected increase or increasing trend in the ECI is considered to be inflationary, causing bond prices to drop, and yields and interest rates to rise. The ECI is reported quarterly by the government, however, it is often adjusted, as far back as several years based on new information.

To use the ECI Calculator, enter a cost, valued in your From (Base) year. Select both the From year and the To year for the calculation. Click on Calculate (or any other box) and the ECI information will be returned. You may change a value and recalculate or click on Clear Values to start over.

ECI Values Calculator
ECI Required Data Entry
Exemplary Cost Dollars
From (Base) Calendar Year
To (Target) Calendar Year
Calculated ECI Results
From Index Value For The Year
To Index Value For The Year
Inflation Index Factor
Change Percent
Inflated Cost Dollars

Version 8.17.11

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