Fraction Decimal Calculator With Equivalents Table
This calculator requires the use of Javascript enabled and capable browsers. It is designed to return the approximate fraction equivalent of a decimal number. (This only works with terminating decimals.) If you can get 5 or 6 accurate decimal places, the degree of accuracy on the fraction is greatly increased. For example, most published tables show 63/64s as 0.984 decimal. However, the actual calculated value is 0.984375. In our upper calculator, if you enter the normally published rounded value 0.984, the fraction returned is 123/125s. If you enter the correct value of 0.984375, the fraction returned is 63/64s. Enter the decimal value as accurately as possible. Then click on Calculate. The calculated fraction is returned. It is also placed in the numerator and denominator positions of the verification calculator. You may click on that Calculate button to verify the originally entered decimal value. Either calculator can be independent of the other. The Equivalents table is provided for general information as supplied by MOST construction industry manufacturers. We also have a separate fraction convert utility for taking fractions and converting them to decimal values, the generic opposite of this calculator but without the equivalents table.