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Identifying Non-Monthly Expenses Calculator

This calculator requires the use of Javascript enabled and capable browsers. This script creates a visual picture of your non-monthly expenses so that you can plan for them on a monthly basis. It is easy to calculate normal monthly expenses by tracking your expenditures over the month, over a period of several months. The problem is that many people then use these somewhat inaccurate numbers for planning purposes, and are then surprised when things like car insurance or property tax bills occur regularly, just not monthly. A better way to deal with these non-monthly is to calculate them ahead of time and handle them on a monthly basis just like any other bill. Each month simply set a fixed amount of money aside in a separate account to pay for non-monthly expenses for when they actually do occur. The calculator below will help you to identify all of your non-monthly expenses. The goal is to try to remind you of all of the different bills that crop up quarterly, just once or twice a year, or as emergencies. The calculator will determine a total amount due for all of these irregular bills and then divide that amount by twelve to give you a reasonably accurate monthly preparatory fund.

Required Data Entry
Auto Insurance - Enter the total amount of money you spend each year on auto insurance. Remember that auto insurance normally is often billed on a quarterly or six month cycle, so you may have to multiply your last bill by the appropriate value. Enter the total auto insurance amount.
Home Insurance - Enter the amount you spend on home owner's or renter's insurance for your residence.
Extra Insurance - Enter the amount of money you spend on other insurance policies, for example for a boat, umbrella policy, jewelry, etc.
Life Insurance - Enter the amount you spend on life and/or disability insurance.
Vacation - Enter the amount you plan to spend on vacation(s) this year.
Entertainment - Enter the amount you plan to spend on sports, concerts or other entertainment this year.
Tuition - If you are taking classes in college, on-line or night school, you probably get a tuition bill only two or three times a year. Enter your total annual cost of tuition here.
Birthday Gifts - Enter the amount of money you typically spend on all birthday gifts each year. Consider your mother, father, spouse, children, siblings, etc.
Christmas Gifts - Enter the amount of money that you expect to spend on Christmas gifts this year.
Other Gifts - Enter the amount you will spend on other gifts such as mother's day, father's day, secretary's day, graduation, etc.
Charitable Contributions - Enter the amount you give per year to charities.
Car Repair - Enter the amount of money you typically spend in a year on car repair. Remember things like oil changes, tune ups, tire replacement, etc. If you have no idea enter at least $250.
Home Repair and Maintenance - Enter the amount you expect to spend on unexpected home repairs and maintenance. If you have no idea, enter at least $500.
Computer Expenses and Maintenance - Enter the amount you expect to spend on computer related purchases, software, repairs and maintenance. If you have no idea, enter at least $300.
Cell Phone Excess Charges - Enter the amount you anticipate or wish to plan for for possible overages on your cell phone account.
Automobile Taxes - Enter here the amount you typically spend on automobile taxes, including yearly registration fees.
Property Taxes - Enter here the amount you typically pay per year on property taxes. If you have a mortgage the property taxes are often handled as part of your mortgage payment; if yours are, do not enter the amount here.
Medical and Dental - Enter here the amount you expect to pay for medical and dental visits not covered by insurance. For example, if you do not have dental insurance and you will have two checkups this year, enter the cost of those checkups here.
Other - Enter here anything else you can think of that you typically pay on a yearly basis and is often forgotten.
Emergency Fund - Enter the annual amount that you feel that you should allocate for any other emergency.

Calculated Results
Total - This is the total amount of money you spend or have planned for per year on "non-monthly" expenses.
Monthly total - This is the total divided by 12. You should be depositing this much in a separate account each month. Pay this amount "to yourself" just like you pay any other monthly bill.
Updated 6.05.11

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