Business Percentage Increase Or Decrease Calculator
This calculator requires the use of Javascript enabled and capable browsers. This business calculator is designed to give the benchmark percentage change from one time period income amount or sales quantity to another. All business mark progress by monthly sales, income or units quantity, or annual sales, income or units quantity. By definition, percentage is a fraction or ratio expressed as part of 100. Percentage change is that action over time, long term, brief or momentary. Percentage change from one number to another number, is determined by dividing the difference of the two numbers by the original number. Obviously, there are two types of change, increase and decrease. Make your entry for both previous and current time periods in whole numbers of units or whole dollars, whichever is applicable.
To determine percentage increase, divide the change (from previous period to current period) by the previous period number. An increase from 25 to 75 is calculated in this manner. The difference is 50. 50/25 = 2. That figure times 100 = 200%, or an increase of 200%. Decrease is the exact same process. To determine the percentage decrease, make these calculations. A decrease from 75 to 50 works is calculated in this manner. 25/75 = .33, or a 33% decrease. In order to figure a percentage increase of anything, multiply the number by the percentage. For example if you have a number of 100 and you wish to increase it by 50%, multiply 100 by 1.50 and get the result of 150. To determine the percent decrease of a number would be calculated like this. A 25% decrease of 100 is found by multiplying 100 by (100% - 25%) .75, or 75.
Updated: 8/12/11