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Do Not Spam Information

Computer Support Group, CSGNetwork, is a supporter of the efforts of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation's consumer protection agency and manager of the the nation's E-Mail policies and guidelines against SPAM. SPAM is a growing and annoying problem, not to mention a potentially very dangerous one. It contributes to wasted hours of sorting through junk mail, initiates computer contamination and opens the online doors to fraud and identity theft. Help to stop the indifference about it. Complain! Spamming costs all of us and it is illegal. Stand up for your rights! File a complaint. Here are some ideas and general information. See our Do Not Send Stock Info page for special cases of stock market solicitation.

We also ask that you do your part in reducing the amount of junk E-Mail that is forwarded from person to person, much of which is just fiction or worse, a scam or fraud. It is estimated that this type of "pass around information" is responsible for 34% of the Internet E-mail traffic. If something in an E-Mail sounds too good to be true, too far out to be in, or too strange to be true, then chances are, it is more non-sense, a scam or just an outright fabrication. Check out some of the following sites before sending on any of the many "pass arounds" you receive.

Urban Legends Reference

Virtual Myths

Truth Or Fiction

Hoax Slayer

Crime Schemes

You can forward your spam complaints by using this E-Mail address, The FBI, in conjunction with the National White Collar Crime Center, has an operation called I3, the Internet Crime Complaint Center. It leans more toward SCAM than SPAM and is a source of valid help in the event of a SCAM. You can file a complaint here.

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