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This section deals with suggestions, some stronger than others. Often these might be called policies. We feel that conformity to these suggestions will give you a position that is sound from a data processing point of view. Our objective is to give you a guideline to follow that will keep your DP department and functions healthy and at peak performance.

Our first and foremost suggestion (we strongly advise it be mandatory) is that you conduct frequent and regular data and system back ups to media that affords expedient and reliable recovery from any form of computer disaster. Keep a copy on location and a copy off location. All disasters are not disk crashes and can be harmful enough that your location, including back ups, may not be accessible after the disaster.

CSGNetwork's Vote for the Most Interesting Site on the Net. If you THINK you know how things work, verify it here. If you want to know, you can spend HOURS here! We suggest you look at it.

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