Advanced ShowDate Function
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Advanced ShowDate Function

Returns: a date string variable.

Syntax: Showdate ( [date object], [day string], [month string], [date string], [year string], [delimeter string] )

Date Object:- Javascript date object in the form new Date(), new Date(1982,06,30).

day:- Day string in the form "dddd" [full name] or "ddd" [abbreviated].

month:- Month string in the form "mmmm" [full name], "mmm" [abbreviated], "mm" [2 digit], "m" [1 digit].

date:- Date string in the form "dddd" [full name], "ddd" [abbreviated], "dd" [2 digit], "d" [1 digit].

year:- Year string in the form "yyyy" [4 digit], "yy" [2 digit].

delimeter:- Any character to display as separation point in the date display format: eg. ".", "-", "/"

Flexibility of this script allows the user to specify the date format as desired.

Example Results
Showdate(new Date(), 'dddd', 'mmmm', 'dd', 'yyyy', '-')
Showdate(new Date(), 'dd', 'mm', 'dd', 'yyyy', '.')
Showdate(new Date(2001,11,25), 'dddd', 'mmm', 'dd', 'yy', ' ')
Showdate(new Date(2010,11,25), 'yyyy', 'mm', 'dd', '', '')
Showdate(new Date(2000,05 ,25), '', 'mm', 'dd', 'yy', '/')
Showdate(new Date(), '', 'mm', 'dd', 'yyyy', '/')
Showdate(new Date(), '', 'mmm', '', '', '')
Showdate(new Date(), '', 'mmm', '', '', '')

Advanced ShowDate Function

This group of routines demonstrates the capabilities of our advanced ShowDate function; call it where ever it is needed.
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