Altitude Factors and Change of Altitude in a Given Time from Meridian Transit
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Altitude Factors and Change of Altitude in a Given Time from Meridian Transit
Altitude Factors: This form calculates the change in the altitude of a celestial body in one miute of time from meridian transit. The values are accurate if the altitude is between 6° and 86°, the lattitude is not more than 60°, and the declination is not more than 63°. The result is used as input to the following form.
Latitude of the Observer:
Declination of the Celestial Body:
Upper Transit    Lower Transit
Altitude Factor: (seconds of arc)

Change of Altitude in Given Time from Meridian Transit
Altitude Factor:
(from above)
(seconds of arc)
Meridian Angle:
(minutes of time)
Change of Altitude: (minutes of arc)

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