Aircraft Weight And Balance
Calculator Request

We will be delighted to create a custom specific aircraft weight and balance calculator for you (some samples here). We include a link to your website, your company's website or a website of your choice as advertising, and hosting of that calculator at no cost to you. Our standard charge for the calculator is a one-time fee of $500.00. If you change aircraft, we will do subsequent ones for you for half the standard price. We also include a picture of the plane and any specific text you might desire. You can use the phone but be aware it is busy most of the time. You can also use the FAX, E-Mail the WebMaster, or use or the form below to notify management of your intent. The form is generally the fastest as it goes to all members of management; if you use the form you will be sent to our home page upon completion. We promise to respond quickly. We require the following information to create your calculator.

The year, make, N-number and model of the aircraft. The last log update of empty weight, arm and moment information. The W&B information from your owners manual. The published gross weight for YOUR aircraft. The maximum fuel and usable fuel quantity. Any W&B info for major changes such as tip tanks, extra tanks, or STOL kits.

Please include your valid E-Mail address so that we can get back to you. Verify that it is correct.

Computer Support Group
2972 Vincentia Road
Palm Springs, CA 92262
760-327-8289 Voice
760-327-8299 FAX

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