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Guide to Book Abbreviation

The following table lists (in alphabetical order) the names of each of the books of the Bible and it's corresponding standard computer abbreviation. You can use this abbreviated name when referencing passages in forms in the Bible Study Tools or if you are referencing passages from your own page:

 Genesis ge
 Exodus ex
 Leviticus le
 Numbers nu
 Deuteronomy de
 Joshua jos
 Judges jud
 Ruth ru
 1 Samuel 1sa
 2 Samuel 2sa
 1 Kings 1ki
 2 Kings 2ki
 1 Chronicles 1ch
 2 Chronicles 2ch
 Ezra ezr
 Nehemiah ne
 Esther es
 Job job
 Psalms ps
 Proverbs pr
 Ecclesiastes ec
 Song of Solomon so
 Isaiah isa
 Jeremiah jer
 Lamentations la
 Ezekiel eze
 Daniel da
 Hosea ho
 Joel joe
 Amos am
 Obadiah ob
 Jonah jon
 Micah mic
 Nahum na
 Habakkuk hab
 Zephaniah zep
 Haggai hag
 Zechariah zec
 Malachi mal
 Matthew mt
 Mark mr
 Luke lu
 John joh
 Acts ac
 Romans ro
 1 Corinthians 1co
 2 Corinthians 2co
 Galatians ga
 Ephesians eph
 Philippians php
 Colossians col
 1 Thessalonians 1th
 2 Thessalonians 2th
 1 Timothy 1ti
 2 Timothy 2ti
 Titus tit
 Philemon phm
 Hebrews heb
 James jas
 1 Peter 1pe
 2 Peter 2pe
 1 John 1jo
 2 John 2jo
 3 John 3jo
 Jude jude
 Revelation re

The following table lists (in alphabetical order) the names of each of the books of the Deuterocanon (Apocrypha) and it's corresponding standard computer abbreviation. You can use this abbreviated name when referencing passages in forms in the Bible Study Tools or if you are referencing passages from your own page:

 Tobit tob
 Judith jdt
 Esther (Expanded) esx
 Wisdom of Solomon wis
 Sirach sir
 Baruch bar
 Letter of Jeremiah ljr
 Prayer of Azariah aza
 Susanna sus
 Bel and the Dragon bel
 1 Maccabees 1ma
 2 Maccabees 2ma
 1 Esdras 1es
 Prayer of Manasseh mns
 151 Psalms psx
 3 Maccabees 3ma
 2 Esdras 2es
 4 Maccabees 4ma